Send an enquiry

Dear user!

Please review the order of receiving and consideration of electronical enquiries to the Federal Tax Service
  1. This FTS of Russia official website’s service is a supplementary tool for sending enquiries of natural and legal persons to the Federal Tax Service.
  2. If your case concerns specific situations of interaction with local tax authorities it’s recommended to apply directly to the FTS of Russia Regional Directorates (local tax inspectorates) using online service «Send an enquiry to the FTS Regional Directorates) available on Regional Directorates’ websites.
  3. Received enquiries are being considered in the terms defined by Russian normative legal acts. If needed, enquiries may be forwarded to the respective local tax authorities.
  4. FTS of Russia does not consider (does not reply to):
    1. Unreadable enquiries;
    2. Enquiries which can not be concidered without disclosing of State, tax and other official secrets, protected by Federal Laws;
    3. Enquiries containig obscene and offencive expressions or threatening murder, injury or damage to tax officials, their relatives and property;
    4. Enquiries which consideration requires providing of authenticated copies of documents or applicant’s personal signature.
  5. Depending on what option you choose in the field «How should we send you a reply?», the reply is being sent to the e-mail address that you state in your enquiry or in written form by paper mail directed to the address that you state in your enquiry;
If you represent a company or organization please choose «Legal person» below.
If you apply as an individual please choose «Natural person» below.
To learn about the other ways of sending enquiries to the Federal Tax Service please choose «Other forms of enquiries» below.
Please note that according to the Russian Legislation enquiries should be sent in Russian language only.